Kuhjunge | Mit Kuh Berta & Co.
Blogging in English
22. September 2015

Blogging in English

Gepostet am 22. September 2015  •  3 Minuten  •  617 Wörter

I started my blog a long time ago. But it was not really a blog to begin. It was more a Website for personal stuff. I didn’t know what blogging was at the time. But I used blogging Software. And so I started blogging a little bit. After a while I blogged regularly on this site. My own rule is to post once per Month. I follow that rule most of the time. Sometimes my real life is so busy that I don’t have the energy to write anything.

At the moment it is very easy for me to write something on my blog, because of my study abroad. I moved to another country. I am visiting a new University. I am getting to know so many people. It is amazing. There are so many things to write about. But most of the people here don’t speak German. And my Blog is in German.

So I thought a long time about blogging in English. The Pros and Cons. The major problem with blogging in English is that I don’t trust my English. It is so weird for me to speak English all the time and writing is a lot worse than speaking. Everybody keeps telling me that my English sounds fine, but I don’t feel that way. And I am a perfectionist. Everything has to be “clean” and in order. I cant blog something that sounds bad, weird or messy.

I have an Image in my head. I was not very good in my English class in school. Every time I get a corrected text back from my teachers, I get a sea of red words. Grammar mistakes, misspelling, things that sound wrong. My English writing in school was a mess. I think it is a mess today, too. In my last class it was better, but not good enough. Getting better is a really slow process. So I am kind of afraid of blogging in English.

In kids’ TV-Shows, they keep saying that you have to face your fears. It is not a nice thing to do and not as easy as it sounds, but you have to do it, to get better. I have to do it. And so I am sitting here and writing some English words. But somebody will check it before I release this text on my blog. I am still a perfectionist.

My first German blog posts weren’t that good. They had a lot of mistakes and didn´t sound that good. But after a while it got better. And now it is quite good I think.

Another weird thing: most of my German friends really like to read my blog. It is surprising for me. I didn’t realise that somebody could find my life interesting. But on the other hand, I find the life of my friends very interesting, too. But they don’t like to write a blog. I ask them why. Nobody can tell me a really good reason why not. Sometimes they are too lazy, sometimes it is just not their thing. I think they’re afraid of blogging, too. They probably fear that their writing is bad or their life is boring. Sometimes I think that about my writing and life, too. Especially the first time. But nobody laughed about my blog post so far. Instead, I get a lot of compliments for it. I would really like to read some more blogs from my real life friends.

I think that is enough for my first English blog post. I don’t know when I will write the next English post. I don’t want to just translate my German posts. And my main blog language is German, so it might take a while for the next one.

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